Mozilla’s new lossless JPEG compression

I was quite impressed with Mozillas new jpegtran in mozjpeg. It crushed a 2.2GB photo shoot down to 1.4GB, a bit smaller than the 1.5GB achieved by jpegoptim. So I thought I’d try to make it drop-dead simple to play with.

My Online Demo

If you wanted to losslessly recompress an entire directory you could do something like:
mkdir -p crush; for F in *.jpg; do curl -F "file=@$F" > "crush/$F"; done

on Linux/Mac, or on the Windows Command Prompt:
MKDIR crush & FOR %F IN (*.jpg) DO ( CURL -F "file=@%F" "" > "crush\%F" )

But you might want to install mozjpeg locally instead. I won’t try to do anything evil with your photos, but my server is not exactly secured with CrowdStrike :P.


64bit Windows Binaries: These were created on Windows 11 using:

git clone
cd vcpkg
vcpkg install mozjpeg
REM Wait 1.5 minutes... and DONE!

The rest of this article will focus on Linux. Windows users probably wouldn’t that excited until there is a GUI anyway. I was thinking of making one, but that is a whole new kettle of fish.

CGI Wrapper
64bit Linux Binaries:
If you are going to grab random binaries off the web and run them, I suggest you at least use firejail. Something like:

firejail --quiet --net=none --blacklist=/boot --blacklist=/chroot --blacklist=/chroot24.04 --blacklist=/dev --blacklist=/etc --blacklist=/home --blacklist=/install --blacklist=/lost+found --blacklist=/media --blacklist=/mnt --blacklist=/opt --blacklist=/proc --blacklist=/root --blacklist=/run --blacklist=/sbin --blacklist=/snap --blacklist=/srv --blacklist=/sys --blacklist=/tmp --blacklist=/var jpegtran -progressive < in.jpg > out.jpg

This should block everything except /bin, /lib, /lib64 and /usr, the only directories jpegtran needs. It would be nice if the –whitelist option of firejail worked, but hey. In general, you can test what directories an executable needs with a script such as

The binaries were created on Oracle Linux 7.9 with:
sudo yum install git cmake make nasm gcc
git clone
tar -xf libpng-1.6.43.tar.xz
tar -xf zlib-1.3.1.tar.gz
( cd zlib-1.3.1; ./configure; make -j4; sudo make install )
( cd libpng-1.6.43; ./configure; make -j4; sudo make install )
( cd mozjpeg ; cmake . ; make -j4 ; sudo make install)

This can also be installed on Ubuntu 16.04 with:
sudo apt install git cmake make nasm gcc
git clone
tar -xf libpng-1.6.43.tar.xz
( cd libpng-1.6.43; ./configure; make -j4; sudo make install )
( cd mozjpeg ; cmake . ; make -j4 ; sudo make install)

Note that with supported Ubuntu versions (i.e. 20.04 or newer) the included libpng is 1.6+ so the following will work:

sudo apt install git cmake make nasm gcc libpng-dev
git clone
( cd mozjpeg ; cmake . ; make -j4 ; sudo make install)


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